H.O.P.E. is designed to set people free from the bondage of their pain and their past through the truth in God’s word and the power of the Holy Spirit. We provide truth, encouragement, love and support to our members. We offer a safe, healthy, confidential environment to resurrect hope in their lives to experience God’s plan for them.

No matter who you are or where you are,
God is ready to change your life.

What are you waiting for?


Mondays | Men 6:30 PM

Tuesdays | Co-Ed 7:00 PM


Pastor Jim Grimm

Phone | 618-401-7726

Email | pastorjimg@desertspringschurch.com

"Can't grow in a row"

A new season of Community Groups is here! It is our heart that everyone gets plugged into a group this season. We were not meant to do life alone.