Welcome Home!

Join us Online or In Person at 9:00AM & 11:00AM!

Need Prayer?

We understand that life has many  challenges. As a church we are here for you. If you need prayer for any reason, click the image to submit a request.

Next Steps

When it comes to following Jesus, there is always a next step you can take. So wherever you are on your faith journey, click the image to take your next step.

Kingdom Builders

Kingdom Builders is our way of leading the Great Commission through a community who faithfully gives above and beyond.  Click the image to learn more




Community Groups

Dream Team

Grab your Bible and  journal and watch our online services.

A lot goes on here at DSC. We would love to have you be part of it. Click the link to find out more!

Discover exists to help you learn more about us as a church, how you can grow closer to Christ, and how you can get involved right here.

Visit the link to see when our next Discover course is.

We were not created to do life alone! We believe that Community Groups is so essential in our lives. 

Visit the link to get plugged in a group or to become a group host.

We can’t do Sundays without you! If you feel led to join the Dream Team visit the link below. We would love to connect with you.

Our Lead Pastors

Pastors Brad and Becky were married in 1987 and have been doing ministry together ever since. In 1998 they moved, with their 2 children, to Chandler to say yes to God’s call on their lives to start a church and God was faithful to lead every step of the way.


We are people who...

Are Filled With Passion For God

Are Unafraid To Dream

Leave It Better Than
We Found It

Raise The Bar

Speak Life

Embrace Today

Refuse To Settle

Plan a Visit

We can't wait to meet you!